Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Oh my God!".."You Rang?"

Did Jesus ever go to the bathroom? Don't look at my blog like that! It's a valid question. I mean, between his talking about neighbors, sinners and sluts did he ever have to pop a squat in a random hole somewhere? Can you imagine living in Jesus's time, knowing he's God, and going to the bathroom right next to him? I don't know about you, but I'd keep that feces. Speaking of feces, someone apparantly put feces in the soap dispensor at school. Hopefully no one washed their face with it. The reason I'm asking about the whole Jesus number 2 thing, is because I was Jesus today for Gods and Godesses day. I kindof took it literal. Oh my Me was my catch phrase and whenever anyone said Oh my God, I'd instantly reply: You rang? Comedic Gold.

I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. Logically it makes no sense at all. I mean, what reason could there be for me dropping my pencil? Or eating an extra chicken leg when i really shouldn't? But, if you only live your life logically, you're only living half of your life. And I suppose that's always been my problem. I'm like Voldemort with one horcrux. Anyway I've been trying to find out what I should major in other than English, and I do this thing where I look for hints fate gives me to make my decision, and today, fate was a betch. Probably for the whole blasphamy thing. I'm picking between Psycology, Anthropology and Political Science. First, my Anatomy teacher decided to have this whole conversation about the origin of racism with me, and I couldn't have been more interested. We talked for more than twenty minutes and I realized that theres nothing I love more than traveling and learning about other cultures. But then, BAM, I get voted most likely to be the next president of the United States in my stats class, even though I was born in Scotland. Bravo for that. And then Excel, a UCF program, called me about me changing my major, and if I'd do a science related field, then proceeded on telling me how amazing the psycology program is at UCF. AH. At least I have one month left to decide, but maybe I can double major, double minor.

SPOILER ALERT: Cuddy ended up with House on the season finale. Maybe love isn't impossible after all.

I miss reading the harry potter books and wondering what would happen in the next one. I feel like a huge portion of my life is gone, and I'll never get it back. So I'm going to start reading the harry potter books again. Just because :).

I eat while I watch the biggest loser. I like to pretend they can see what they're missing. I also love the hilarious diction they constantly use like: "I have a big problem" and "We have to get over this obese obstacle" and "My weight is my biggest problem". I shouldn't laugh, but they realy need to choose their words more carefully or they'll get a lot more viewers looking for a good laugh. Like me.

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

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